Analysis of the road safety market from an expanded perspective
A main pillar of the road safety market is the automotive industry, which is constantly evolving in technological terms to incorporate advanced active and passive safety systems. At the same time, the car industry is transforming into a mobility ecosystem that creates significant challenges for incumbents, as they have to rethink their business models, while also highlighting huge opportunities for businesses that provide complementary mobility services to join the new ecosystem.
This ecosystem includes many entities that aim to reduce traffic accidents, such as mobility end users, road network management authorities, vehicle fleet managers, road safety institutes and schools, research organizations, etc.However, achieving the ultimate goal of road safety requires receiving and processing a huge amount of data, the majority of which is in the hands of insurance companies. On the other hand, the insurance industry is constantly evolving so that the services it provides respond to the increased mobility needs of consumers. Therefore, the new ecosystem of mobility cannot but include the vehicle insurance companies and highlight the sector in question as one of their three main pillars.
Special mention is made of the evolution of the costing of vehicle insurance programs, as we are now moving at great speed towards the export of personalized insurance premiums. Large insurance companies already grant discounts to their customers depending on the way they drive their vehicles (active driving behaviour). However, this only reflects one side of the coin, as drivers should be encouraged to choose routes consisting of safer roads (passive driving behaviour). The last part has not yet been implemented at any level. Therefore, it is the main innovation of the project which is expected to contribute significantly to the reduction of traffic accidents. The way these incentives will be provided is the core of the project as it places the way insurance premiums are calculated as a regulator of developments.
Recording the user requirements of the system under development
There are a variety of users who can derive significant benefits from using the final product of the Project. However, some users have common characteristics and common requirements from the system, as a result of which they can be included in a clearly defined group of users. In this way, six groups of users have been created (drivers, insurance companies, management bodies, citizens, service-product providers, RARE service provider) so that their expectations and requirements can be gathered in detail. The recording of these is of great importance as (a) after the analysis and understanding of the priorities and challenges arising from them, the overall picture of requirements is created which determines the functional - and not only - specifications of the system and (b) it prepares and directs to some extent the positioning of the product in the market.
Functional specifications and system architecture
The recorded requirements as derived from the analysis of primary expectations and requirements are a key element for the design and implementation of the system. Using office research and the experience of specialists in particular fields, they will lead to the creation of the functional and non-functional specifications of the system, which in turn will guide its architecture. The architecture will ensure as much as possible modern security, interoperability, portability, extensibility and scalability requirements of the system user and will extensively apply the example of RESTful web services and Micro-Service Architecture.
RARE service
The final result of the project is to perform the RARE service in a way that it can be used by the common target. RARE's service consists of a data collection and analysis system and applications that are offered to its users, depending on functionality, through their mobile phone or web browser. Drivers will be able to plan the safest route through the application and be notified of dangerous points on the road network while driving, while citizens and decision-making centers will be able to visualize relevant anonymous information through web technologies.