
Α hybrid conference on "Presentation & analysis of the project's results" took place on November 28 from 18:00-22:00 in the context of dissemination and publicity of the project's actions.

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Associate Professor Markos Tselekounis (Scientific Manager of the Project) presented a scientific paper entitled "Road safety and sustainability performance: A cross-country analysis" at 4th International Conference on Environmental Design (ICED2023).

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The University of Piraeus in collaboration with CITE submitted their work entitled "Road safety: Assessing the effect of passive driving behavior" to the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR2023) which took place in Heraklion, Crete between 20 and 22 September 2023 (

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The University of Piraeus submitted a paper entitled "Mobility as a Service for insurance companies" to the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR2023). The work was accepted for presentation through the preparation of a poster.

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The 3rd International Scientific Conference entitled: Greece – Europe 2030: Education, Research, Innovation, New Technologies, Institutions, and Sustainable Development (INOEK2023) was held between 7 and 10 September 2023 in Heraklion, Crete in a hybrid format, as there was also the possibility of remote participation.

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A two-day hybrid conference on "Presentation & analysis of the project's deliverables", took place on December 18-19 at 18:00-22:00 in the context of dissemination and publicity of the project's actions.

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