RARE project deals with the development of a system that will be able to calculate an indicator of the probability of a traffic accident in real time using data related to the driver, the vehicle and the road network, which are the three factors that affect road safety.
However, the conclusion on all the data so far is that the driving behavior, which is divided into active and passive, is a catalytic factor in causing traffic accidents. Active driving behavior is determined by the way we drive our vehicle. RARE aims to improve passive driving behaviour, i.e. drivers choosing safer routes.
RARE aims to create specific incentives to use safer routes by modifying the existing algorithms that calculate road accident insurance premiums. It therefore becomes clear that the vehicle insurance market has a catalytic role in the achievement of the Project's objective.
The project aims to reduce traffic accidents, which entails significant benefits for the economy, society and the environment, which are the pillars of sustainable development.